Give everything and yet remain the whole

My name is František.

I love photographing friends the most.

I know their stories and secrets, understand the jokes that make them laugh, and grasp what brings them joy or worries them.

We're candidly close to each other.

Allow me to become a friend, even if just for a moment. To learn your story, understand what makes you laugh, what brings you joy, and what worries you.

That way, we'll be candidly close to each other.

Because, you see, I love photographing friends the most.

Stand by the fire and say it's not burning.

I'm a husband, father, and photographer.

I enjoy life.

I find joy in everything human. I'm changed by the beauty I witness.

Right here.

Imperfect simplicity.

Authentic like a photograph

I feel honored that my perspective on the world has been given a chance to be seen.

I savor moments. I enjoy looking at old photographs. It brings back memories of what was happening then, how I felt, who I was.

With gratitude, I reflect on what I have experienced.

I grew up on J.R.R. Tolkien's stories and enjoy listening to the Dave Matthews Band.

My work has been influenced by Jaris,

Nirav Patel, and Jeff Ascough.

I have a taste for Indian and Asian cuisine.

What a privilege to be able to share all of this with someone.
